Our professionals at the service of your business

Management of employees, recruitment, payroll and social security

We don’t work for your team, we’re part of it


  • Company formation and opening of new workplaces.
  • Affiliation of employees with Special Social Security Regimes (self-employed, domestic workers, etc.).
  • Study and processing of special agreements with Social Security.
  • Formalisation of ordinary recruitment of employees, as well as contract novations and renewals, in official or standardised models and their electronic communication using the Contrat@ system. Contracts including allowances, for senior management, application for incentives, etc.
  • Electronic management and formalisation with Social Security of registrations, deregistrations and/or change of information of employees of the business.
  • Monitoring of contract expiry.
  • Procedure of calculating payroll and paying employees.
  • Creation of lists and summaries of payments.
  • Creation of lists and files of transfers to credit institutions.
  • Process of contribution slips to Social Security (Direct settlement system, using SILTRA software) and sending settled salary items (CRA).

Management of Employees

  • Processing medical certificates for sick leave, end of sick leave or extension of sick leave through electronic methods.
  • Processing reports for workplace accidents (DELT@ System), monitoring and control of such procedures.
  • Creation of data communication to the contributor for the purposes of IRPF (Spanish income tax) (Models 111 and 216).
  • Drafting of certificates for income, withholdings and deductions for the purposes of annual income tax return.
  • Periodic declarations and annual summaries for income tax based on the receipt of salaries and their electronic submission to the Agencia Estatal de la Administración Tributaria (State tax administration agency) (Models 190 and 296).
  • Drafting of official certificates for Social Security contributions for the purposes of benefits applications (temporary disability, maternity leave, unemployment, retirement etc.).
  • Study, drafting and processing of pensions from the Social Security system (ordinary retirement, active retirement, old age, widowhood, orphanhood etc.).
  • Creation of lists of registered voters for Union Elections.
  • Application for postponement of debts with Social Security.
  • Evaluation, study and processing of the various types of residency and work permits for foreign workers.